Monday, November 29, 2021

Biden wants to appoint another Communist

this time to be in charge of our Treasury Department!

Biden’s Radical Banking Nominee Faces Impossible Odds After Democratic Senators Turn on Her

President Joe Biden’s nominee to head a key Treasury Department agency overseeing the nation’s banks appears to be about to go down in flames.

Axios reported three Democratic senators who serve on the Banking Committee — Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, Jon Tester of Montana and Mark Warner of Virginia — told chairman Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio on a Wednesday call they oppose Saule Omarova’s appointment to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

The New York Post reported Omarova is a Cornell University law professor who was raised in the former Soviet Union and has advocated for an end to banking “as we know it” by moving Americans’ finances from private banks to the Federal Reserve.

This was a position she advocated in an October law review article, saying the new system created by the move would be known as “the People’s Ledger.”

Read about the Communist Biden wants to appoint


  1. His whole gang want to make America a communist country- This latest is the most outrageous of the lot.

  2. Turn out the vote in 2022 - get rid of these people.
