Friday, August 27, 2021

Justin Trudeau gets booed

Crowd Of Angry Canadians Literally Chase ‘Woke Idiot’ Justin Trudeau Out of Town

Canadians have finally had enough of their ‘liberal’ authoritarian leader Justin Trudeau.

A crowd of angry Canadians literally chased Prime Minister Justin Trudeau out of a campaign event in British Columbia for being a ‘woke idiot.’

Prime Minister Trudeau has faced rampant jeers and heckling from protesters as he’s toured across the country — including another incident in British Columbia, where a group of Aboriginal protesters blocked the campaign bus.

Read about it...

Last week, Bloomberg reported that Trudeau was planning “Canada’s sharpest turn left in economic policy in decades.” The article stated that new Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland was tasked with “remaking the country’s socio-economic architecture.”

How did Canada get so many socialists elected to government? How did it happen here in the U.S.?

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