Friday, August 27, 2021

The President of the Free World!

Jim Jordan said, "It sure didn’t take long for President Biden and Nancy Pelosi to show the effects of their incompetent leadership. In just 8 short months:

1. Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban
2. The southern border is wide open to illegal immigration
3. Gas prices are high thanks to their inept energy policy
4. Inflation has become a daily buzzword
5. Our cities have become riddled with crime

All while Biden hides away at Camp David and Pelosi is focused on President Trump.

I just want to know where the buck stops, Mr. President. We deserve an answer."

Well, Biden said the buck stopped with him and then proceeded to blame the Afghanistan departure on Trump and even his own generals.

13 soldiers were killed yesterday trying to help Americans leave that terrorist country. 95 Afghans were also killed. Does anyone deserve this president?

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