Friday, August 27, 2021

Donald Trump Achievements

Trump Achievements back when our country was great!

Trump had made the USA energy-independent for the first time in 70 years, created more than 5 million jobs, reduced unemployment to below 4% and brought African-American unemployment to its lowest ever.

He brought America’s southern border finally under control including construction of over 450 miles of border wall, cut taxes and burdensome regulations, raised household middleclass incomes and negotiated strong pro-American trade agreements in place of job-killing ones like NAFTA.

Early in the COVID pandemic, he marshalled all the forces of government, the military and private business to join together to keep the mysterious new virus from overwhelming America’s hospitals, manufacturing needed ventilators, bringing military hospital ships to hard-hit areas, and launching “Operation Warp Speed” to develop a vaccine.

Internationally, he stood up to China – something no other modern president has done – withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, destroyed the murderous ISIS caliphate, ratcheted down the nuclear threat from North Korea’s deranged dictator, moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital Jerusalem, and brokered peace deals between Israel and five different Arab-Muslim countries, for which he was twice nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Now, Democrats, tell me what Joe has done!


  1. the only thing I can think of that Joe has done is make a total mess out of everything he breathes on.

  2. Joe also got to lie about his sexual misconduct.
