Friday, August 27, 2021

Masks are "stupid," said Margaret

School Board meeting interrupted as parent speaker refuses to wear mask

A lot of you will remember Margaret. She is a former resident of Lake Worth and had her own fabulous newspaper. Actually, I agree with Margaret on masks.

"Monroe County Community School Corporation resource officer motioned Margaret Menge out of a school board meeting after she refused to follow indoor masking protocols. The affair sparked a recess during the Aug. 24, 2021 meeting at the Administration Center on 315 E. North Drive."

What I don't agree with is her decision to delete this on her Facebook page. I thought reporters were into facts! Most people would think she was a hero standing up for her beliefs and the truth about face masks.

Read about it...


  1. who knows what she was reading.i beleive the scientists and doctors.wear the damn mask it s not going to hurt anyone.might save someone you know

  2. 1:16-did you see the runner who collapsed just before the finish line because she was wearing a mask and couldn"t breathe?
    Did you see that the bacteria collected in masks infect the wearers and create diseases?
    Did you see that masks do not prevent the virus from going through since the size of the virus is smaller than the weave of masks?

  3. you are supposed to wash your mask once in a while.the person running didnt have to wear a mask outside

  4. What did you think about the article?

  5. Come on people, masks work. You must wear the mask unless you are vaccinated. Vaccines work, you must get vaccinated if you dont want to live with this mask mandate.

    Wait... if the masks work, why get vaccinated?

    If the vaccine works, why wear the masks?

    How about no mask and no vaccine? Does that work?

  6. Look-if you want your kid in a mask for 8 hrs or more per day at school, go for it. However, if masks are so wonderful ,why are you so concerned about the kids who are not wearing a mask? Your kid has the equivalent of Superman's cape over their face right? Bottom line, masks don't do Shit. Maybe if the virus was about the size of your average bacteria or toy poodle your fear porn could be justified.(How's that chain link fence keeping the mosquitos out of your yard)? Why does your desire to have your kid wear a mask outweigh my desire for my kid not to??? And PLEASE don't be a sheep and bleat out that it's about health(see above). It's about control.

  7. @4:13 Bravo!

    Well said.

  8. some people just have to complain.think of our angels wearing masks and shields for 8-to 12 hours and longer.they are called nurses.think twice before you say masks dont make a difference and ask why nurses wear them all day .

  9. Masks may or may not work. Nurses wear them in the hope that they work.

    4:13 post is a Gem! Thanks for a good laugh at the end of a not very funny week.

  10. I don't know why the obvious question isn't; how are you going to keep a kid in a mask anyway? Only the discipline of the Hitler Youth, or maybe one of the Pakistani Madrassa's could keep that kind of regimen going.

    It is like telling a kid not to pick at a sore, or their nose for that matter. It really shows how empty headed people have become, to even discuss this.

    I know: how about duck taping their mouths and noses shut. That should do it!
