Sunday, June 20, 2021

Bird Watchers Beware

You can add bird watching to the latest list of all things racist and symbolic of white supremacy.

The Washington Post published an expansive report on the racist legacy of the Audubon Society and the birding community.

They say some birds are named after former slave owners, white supremacists and grave robbers.

Corina Newsome is a black ornithologist — and her life’s mission is to break down racial barriers and defeat racism and colonialism.

Read about it...

It gets more silly and repulsive by the day! "Audubon Society is dealing with an infestation of dodo birds, loons and bird brains," says Todd Starnes.


  1. this is all going on because we have a leader who is a racist without a brain.

  2. As well as the Democrats who follow him like sheep.
