Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Preachers of Hate

Unhinged Scholar Blasts White People; Says There Are ‘No Good Apples’

With each passing day, the American left gets a little crazier, a little more ‘out there,’ a lot more racist — and impossible to co-exist with.

To wit: The ‘scholarly’ Dr. Aruna Khilanani.

This blatant racist just gave an interview to another blatant racist and ‘scholar,’ Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, in which the two of them seriously discussed the subject of ‘all white people are psychopaths’: No pushback, no attempt to qualify or add context (because how could you?), and no self-awareness.


  1. really getting tired of being called all these names after all the things i as a white have done to help them.after all this crap dont think will be hiring another one

  2. Everyone is seeing thru this racist crapola. Even the communists who come to this blog.
