Sunday, June 20, 2021

Florida had 47 Protesters at Capitol on January 6

Florida emerges as a cradle of the insurrection as Jan. 6 Capitol riot arrests keep piling up

This is the featured story on the Palm Peach Post today.

It is a re-post from USA Today, a left-wing rag.

What it fails to mention is John Sullivan--CNN & NBC paid an 'insurrectionist' John Earl Sullivan $35,000 A PIECE for video footage of the Capitol insurrection.

Sullivan just so happened to be the leader of an Antifa & BLM group 'Insurgence USA' at the Capitol and the one who encouraged the unrest that day, all for money.

What makes the media friendly to this 'insurrectionist?'

Out of the hundreds of thousands at the Capitol on January 6 to support President Trump, John Sullivan encouraged people to breach the Capitol.

Read the Post article which tells you that 472 people have been arrested, 2 from Palm Beach County.

I really would like to see the DOJ go after all the fascists who burned down buildings and cities last summer.

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