Saturday, May 22, 2021

My Pillow Guy says Trump won Maricopa County

Mike Lindell Says That Trump DID WIN Maricopa County By 80K Votes!

The audit in Arizona, Maricopa County has been the top story even though the mainstream media won’t cover it at all. We all knew that they would be silent since it would show how they were complicit in the fraud that stole an election from the President of the United States.

Lindell said Arizona must get access to the routers the Board of Supervisors is currently hiding from the Senate. “They injected votes in Arizona before the election even started,” Lindell said. “This is going to prove that.”

Lindell said there is a very simple reason Maricopa county is refusing to turn over the routers. “The routers are going to show exactly — it will confirm that the attack where it came from,” he said. “It gets specific, right down to the IP addresses.

See Mike at Steven Bannon's War Room

Also problems in Fayette County, Pennsylvania


  1. be careful bidden might need to get a new pillow after this one.think his is full of bricks now

  2. Steve Bannon said Trump has Alzheimer's.

  3. Mike should just worry about making the best pillow.

  4. We all should worry about Democrats stealing elections

  5. Give us a break Lynn, you just never stop and there has been no proof of election voting being fraudulent. Are you sure you are not upstate staying with Trump

  6. @3:10...guess you don't read the same articles that I do. Of course you don't. And your snarky comment is unnecessary, or was that just your sense of humor?
