Saturday, May 22, 2021

Are you a male, female, both or just not sure?

Compass Center helps to explain definition of nonbinary

Nonbinary people may identify as both male, female or neither

You think you just read some sort of joke?

So, being nonbinary really can be so different from person to person because essentially nonbinary means that you don't identify as male or female," said Rex Barnes, Director of youth and family services at the Compass Center in Lake Worth Beach. "But there are so many people that are nonbinary that may identify as both male or female."

You think this is serious? In this topsy world in which we live right now, there are still only two genders which are genetically not psychologically determined. Male and Female can be placed into two boxes...period!

Did you know that there is an International Nonbinary People’s Day celebrated on July 14? It's getting more and more bizarre. Is there something in the water?

Read the rest...if you dare


  1. What I would have to say to these people is; who cares? It's only the climate we are living in that makes any of this news. "Nothing is new under the Sun" which I believe comes from the Bible.

  2. To anonymous who wanted to know why I care--didn't post your crap because you got anti-Trump, anti-stolen election thing...I care about a lot of things. Why shouldn't I care. If you don't care about what goes on in life than you might as well be dead.

  3. OK. We can have this conversation off line if you're too afraid to post my comments.

    Imagine a woman at the grocery store bugging you about the kind of bread you're buying. You like your bread but she keeps telling you that you need to buy her bread because it's the one she prefers. After a while, wouldn't you tell her to mind her business or to get lost? Really, why should it matter to her what bread you're eating, right?

    It's the same thing. Mind your own business as to what other people prefer in their personal lives. Otherwise you're just like the lady in the grocery store.

    Don't you have enough going on in your life than to spend time worrying about how others are living theirs?

  4. I'm not the least bit worried about it but you certainly seem to be by bringing it up.
    I am around people who are stable...prefer it that way.

  5. Above at 7:20 how is your correlation relative to this subject. Comparing someone in a grocery store to someone who doesn't even know if they are a man or a woman or both. No one worries about this only that it is getting to be acceptable by all you mixed up people out there.

  6. I think it's all pretty much covered under self-absorbed. When the bombs start falling, it won't matter much anymore.

  7. 7:20 Most of America could care less what kind of bread people buy. The problem is ,everyone is being forced to say that the best bread ever is Pumpernickel. If you tell your job, school , etc. that Pumpernickel is fine but you prefer whole wheat , all hell will break out and you will be cancelled.

  8. Where can you get a good pumpernickel down here?
