Saturday, May 22, 2021

Maricopa Audit - Cyber Ninjas

Arizona’s Top Elections Official Tells Maricopa County to Get New Election Machines

Arizona’s secretary of state on Thursday warned the state’s largest county not to try to use election machines that are being audited or she would decertify the equipment.

"Cyber Ninjas, one of the companies involved in the audit, is a cybersecurity company based in Sarasota, Florida that was founded in 2013 by tech entrepreneur Doug Logan. The company’s focus is app security; it offers training, consulting, and assessments of an app’s vulnerabilities.

One of Cyber Ninjas’ specialties is what it calls “ethical hacking,” which involves a professional attempting to penetrate an application in order to reveal its security weaknesses. Its website features images of katanas and people clad in ninja costumes, but virtually no references to elections or voting. Politico reported last month that no one in Florida Republican elections or politics seems to know of Cyber Ninjas or Logan." []

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