Saturday, May 22, 2021

More Biden Gaffes

Another day of Biden reading from a teleprompter with disturbing gaffes.

The three video excerpts below are from Biden's COVID-19 vaccine press conference.

Does Biden even know what he's reading? Instead, he continues to read while squinting.

“Put A Million Shots In The Arms Of My 1st 100 Days.”
Watch it here: GOP War Room

Biden also dubbed AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine “Astrovenica.”
Watch it here: GOP War Room

Biden also says, “Science Now Shows That Your Vaccination Protects You…Better Than Being Masked.”
Watch it here: GOP War Room

Sources:,, 2020 Conservative


  1. Sometimes he actually sounds lucid

  2. Biden is dangerous to this country and the world. CLEARLY he has dementia. The Emperor had no clothes,but the President of the United States of America, the most powerful man in the world, has mush for brains. The entire world is horrified by Biden's lack of clarity and inability to even walk by himself. Remember when you had a substitute teacher and the class would act up? Well, the bad guys around the world know that we have a substitute President. They've wasted no time in turning the world to shit. The lights are on in the White house but nobody's home. And everybody knows it.
