Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Dark Force that Undermined a Duly Elected President

Limbaugh: Obama is dark force who created shadow government

He literally was undermining a duly elected president

We have now learned that Obama ran every operation in the four years of Trump’s first term. He ran the Russian hoax. He ran the Russian coup. He ran the impeachment operation. He ran Stormy Daniels," Limbaugh told his audience.



  1. I don't really think Obama is that smart.

    Having said that, Trump never should have started the birther thing. That was the genus for a lot of the hatred people feel for Trump. No matter where Obama was born, and it was probably in Hawaii, his mother was definitely a US born citizen, which made the whole birther thing just a pointless hateful experiment in how many people he could get to jump on board.

    What goes around comes around. There is no denying that Trump earned his reputation. Regardless of this counting and recounting of votes, Biden is the next president. Trump will not run again in 2024, and let's try to get on with it.

  2. Obama's entire background story is fiction so why not his birthplace too.
    Fiction like "Camelot" Americans look up to the wrong people and swallow these narratives whole.
