Wednesday, November 25, 2020

George Soros: The One World Order Guy

Soros, One, if not The Most Corrupt Person In The World

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lambasted billionaire plutocrat George Soros as “one of the most corrupt people in the world” after he called on the European Union to make Hungary and Poland submit to “open society” values.

He is probably the ugliest person alive and I'm not talking about his appearance.

Hungary and Poland are clashing with the EU establishment and its globalist allies after their recent decision to veto its proposed seven-year budget, which contained provisions that, in the view of Polish justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro, would have reduced them to “political and institutionalized enslavement."

They may be clashing but our country has been "CLASHING" for years. Soros-Funded Group says: ‘We Need to Abolish ICE’ to Protect Accused Visa Fraudsters. Now with Biden about to be #46, we will experience more globalism and socialism/communism in our country. It's getting tougher every day to save the United States of America.

Anyone who voted for Biden committed a terrible act...sedetion... a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison. All those Democrats who encouraged the anarchists committed a crime.

Socialists/Communists come on this blog and mock me for my beliefs blaming it on my age,(what do old people know?) etc. but 90 year old George Soros they worship. There is no diverting from the fact that they are always hypocritical and enemies of our country. And the naive follow willingly.


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