Wednesday, November 25, 2020

They gave her Hell for congratulating Lindsey Graham

Dianne Feinstein Steps Down As Head Of Judiciary Committee After Backlash From Progressives

Supposedly, the Democrat party wants to "bring us all together."

Yeah, right!

"Feinstein was widely criticized by the radical left after she was seen hugging Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at the end of Barrett’s confirmation hearings.

“Mr. Chairman, I just want to thank you,” Feinstein said to Graham as the hearing was ending. “This has been one of the best Senate hearings that I’ve participated in, and I want to thank you for your fairness and the opportunity of going back and forth.”[Lifezette]


  1. I thought they wanted us to work together?

  2. Biden says he is his own man and won't listen to The Squad. BS. Look what they did to Diane Feinstein who has been a Senator since 1992.
