Thursday, July 23, 2020

Two Candidates continue to play Race Card in District 88 race

August primary: Five Democrats in crowded, fiery race for House District 88

"The race to become the Democratic nominee in state House District 88 primary is crowded, contentious and made for reality TV. One candidate does not live in the district. '

An anti-gay slur riled the LGBTQ community and a viral video grabbed headlines in the New York Times and Washington Post. For incumbent Democratic state Rep. Al Jacquet, the race to retain his seat in Florida House District 88 has a lot to do with race."

Jacquet was involved with his buddy Mack Bernard in helping voters to fill out their ballots in the 2016 election and submission of same. Florida prohibits “anyone other than a voter, a caregiver, or a member of the voter’s family or household” to deliver the absentee ballots to election officials.

Some highlights of the article:
  • The incumbent, Al Jacquet said that Hardy, also African American, is “fighting for his master’s plantation house.” That's a joke! Just ask anyone in Lake Worth.
  • Omari Hardy doesn't live in District 88 but plans on moving to it 30 days before the election
  • Candidate Cedrick Thomas says Hardy is asking someone to vote for him, something he can't do for himself.
  • Jacquet said public schools are the most segregated institutions in America. He's campaigning on "black, black, black."
This article by the Palm Beach Post is biased--makes Al Jacquet out as a racist and a dead beat leaving Omari basically off the hook. We all know in Lake Worth (Beach) what a racist Omari Hardy is. He fooled the Post just as he fooled the residents in our city when he came out of nowhere to run as city commissioner in Lake Worth. Now we have seen him in action...we now have seen the light.

Vote for anyone other than Al Jacquet and Omari Hardy in the Democrat Primary on August 18 for State Rep District 88. Florida deserves better.



  1. geez, will have to do some research here on the other candidates.

  2. It's time for a chAnge but no Omari

  3. I am voting for the republican candidate! No more racists or gay bashers! We do not need them in our politics and government.

  4. The "D" in Democrat stands for dishonest.

  5. I have been checking into the candidates for this race. Yes, AL may not be the perfect candidate, but he sure is perfect compared to Omari!
