Thursday, July 23, 2020

Only 50 people showed up for "Racism Protest"

Dozens protest outside Lake Worth Beach City Hall; no response from commission inside

That is the Palm Beach Post Headline. Does anyone at The Post really believe that there was a reason to respond to this ridiculous manufactured "protest" when racism does not exist in our city other in the minds of a few brainwashed, picked-on Marxist BLM supporters and one city commissioner?

Read about it...


  1. BLM is disgusting. Can you imagine white people marching around screaming "White lives matter"? These crappy "preachers" are bigoted racists.I doubt these "men of God" would welcome a white person into their den's of hate . Exactly what injustices are they talking about? Have they not been able to go to school,buy a house,rent an apt, get a job,etc.? Such a sick group.They deserve only contempt from our community.They make a mockery of the real struggle for civil rights that was fought before them so that they have the right to stand on the street corner and make fools of themselves. Let this group go to Africa and the middle east to find out what real oppression is. Jackasses.

  2. Well put. I have to admit, when all this reaction to the George Floyd murder started up, I was getting uneasy about interactions with many minorities here in Lake Worth. Even those who I have had conversations with in the past. I am not starting to feel things are returning to where people treat fellow people with respect unless it is not reciprocated.

    There will always be some underlying issues in people of all races and, thankfully, a whole lot more will go about their lives treating all people as you want to be treated.

    Morgan Freeman did an interview with MIke Wallace.

    How to get rid of racism? Stop giving it life. Stop talking about it. It is blown way out of proportion.
