Thursday, July 23, 2020

Omari Hardy Campaign Contributions

Omari Hardy records second-best fundraising period this cycle

He’s running neck-and-neck with incumbent Rep. Al Jacquet in cash on hand.

Out of the 1,232 contributors through July 10th, most of his contributors are from out of town or out of state. Total contributions are at $64,754. Some of the top donors are:

$1,000 Floridians for Public Safety
$1,000 PB County Classrooms Teachers Association
$1,000 PB County firefighters FactPac
$1,000 PB County Police Benevolent Association (that is the most amusing one)
$1,000 Herman Robinson, commissioner in Lake Worth Beach
$1,000 Marty Welfeld, Lake Worth Beach
$   500 Friends of Mark Foley (the 2nd most amusing one)
And 5 more contributions from individuals of $1,000

There were 25 contributions from Lake Worth Beach other than the few mentioned above including $1,000 from Benny's on the Beach and Sam Goodstein and his Mom.

State of Florida

Read the article...


  1. Hardy is anti cop but he got an endorsement from their PAC?

  2. This article says Jacquet is running neck and neck with Hardy on campaign contributions. I just checked the State of Florida web page and this is not true. Hardy is way ahead of Jacquet according to the official accounting I read this morning.

  3. They both sound like crooks and losers. I will vote for the republican candidate! Again, omari doesn't eve live in the district he is running for, go figure!? Anyone with any education should e able to see through these two goons. They both sound like losers like Alcee Hastings, remember him and all the fraud and jail time he got for his shenanigans?

  4. Just shows that a professional campaign manager is the route to go.
