Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Trump will win according to Zogby Poll

New Zogby Poll Shakes Up 2020 Race – Between Donald Trump And Joe Biden

51-43 Think Donald Will Be Re-Elected

We know that the mainstream media is as trustworthy as Voldemort at a daycare center.

They have spent years deliberately trying to slander the president with negative news coverage. So, should we be surprised that they’d spin recent crises as bad for the president?

They (Democrats) claim Trump bungled the pandemic and is responsible for the riots. Yet what was Joe Biden doing all this time? He was hiding in his basement. When he does show up, he leaves us baffled at his inability to speak. [ThePatriotJournal]

See the poll

1 comment:

  1. I know I won't vote for Biden, nor Pelosi. They are both huge hypocrites! Do you know they are both supposed Catholics? Catholics do not believe in abortion nor the death penalty, but these two side with the left and abortionists. So wrong. I would never vote for anyone who supports or sides with abortion. It is murder and it is wrong!
