Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tonight's City Commission Meeting

Lake Worth (Beach) to decide if it needs task force on police, other issues

An agenda item crafted by Commissioner Herman Robinson requests the five-member board schedule a “special meeting” to create a task force that would look at issues connected to race in the wake of national and international protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.

Liberals love to invent problems that do not exist and have an uncanny talent to exasperate issues to the point of absurdity, violence and crime as you have seen in the country over the past three weeks.

Tonight's the night the commission discusses Omari Hardy's and Herman Robinson's claim that we have "systemic racism" in the City of Lake Worth. No we don't folks. Don't fall for it.

PBSO does a good job in our city curbing crime and working well with our residents; they are not social workers.

Read about it...


  1. I contend that when we spend over half our budget on public safety and we seldom see a deputy until after the fact, do we need to spend all these millions? Other, than that, we have ZERO, NADA, NO systemic racism in Lake Worth or in the country for that matter. The 2nd largest expense we have is employee salaries and benefits. Omari and Robinson are just stirring the pot like Democrats do.

  2. I heard there is a problem with this in Lake Worth, because many believe that the police are afraid of and do not police the south end of the city in the Howard Park area, in all those areas of a lot of crime, the police are not present until after the fact of a crime, like you said Lynn. It is a real problem in the city. The police are not present in the hood and bad sectors of the city, they send a bad message to the public be avoiding those areas. I suspect that it is like this nationwide with policing. Is it racism when the police will not even go into the bad crime infested Black areas of the city?

  3. I doubt the PBSO is afraid . They drive in the Hood and make their presence known that way but it’s not enough. I’m not sure we are getting all that we expect from PBSO

  4. These Commissioners and the City Mismanager gave themselves huge raises and $5OO/month "car allowance in our small city.

    Can they focus on making revenue for us rather than using us citizens as walking wallets - Peter Timm"s excellent assessment of their actions.

    Let's create revenue instead of wasting your time on problems that do not exist in Lake Worth Beach.

    Thank you

  5. Good lord. We’re not even two hours into the meeting yet and they “need a break”. Herman seems confused, which isn’t out of the ordinary for him. They have one of the other attorneys presiding over the meeting, The attorney seems confused at times. It’s a crapshoot. Omari is behaving for now, let’s see how long that lasts.....

  6. Here we go- we’re winding up. Maxwell is right- Herman’s outline is confusing. Why is it that Omari constantly covers for him ?!?!
    Gets me so frustrated...He needs to be able to speak for himself.

  7. I knew this meeting would be a lot of Hardy dominating the conversation.
    It's just another confusing meeting.

  8. Lynn Anderson, exactly. Frustrating all around.
