Tuesday, June 16, 2020

BLM, A Radical Group

Democrat Memo Just Slipped Out – In 2015 They Labeled Black Lives Matter A “Radical” Group

Democrats are so phony!

"An inter-party memo from November 2015 surfaced a few days ago; it comes from a senior Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) official. And what it says in that memo is ruffling a few feathers. It’s the description of Black Lives Matter that is surprising everyone, especially those who always thought Democrats fully supported BLM."

But they're not telling us anything we didn't already know.

Read about it...


  1. haha, now that is not surprising to me. Obama era which was totally messed up for 8 years.

  2. Today in Palm Beach at Phipps Park the BLM have painted on the bathrooms there Black Lives matters right here in Palm Beach a mile up the road from LWB. It should not be approved that anyone can paint graffiti and deface public property like what was painted on the bathroom at this park today. You lose respect for BLM and Antifa when they deface public property, paint graffiti, and use violence.

  3. I have NO respect for either group
