Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Great Lockdown

COVID-19: The cure (economic lockdown) is killing the patient (US economy)

IMF is predicting the worst depression since the 1930s

Read about it...

We must reopen our country for business.


  1. Totally agree with you, Lynn. If we lose 40, 50 or even 75,000 more people the cost will be worth it with a booming economy and Trump getting re-elected especially when you consider that most of those falling out have already led full lives and are on their last legs anyway. Like the joke says, "More parking places for the rest of us!"

  2. But I agree with you, Lynn. You're right. The economy needs to get going. You and others are correct when you recognize that businesses are more important than people dying of this virus. This is a point not enough people are grasping. We need to save for the futures of young Americans and if some older folks don't make it, it's still worth it. I agree with you, Lynn.

  3. @10:50...has anyone ever accused you of being a total azz?

  4. lynn where do you find un humans that don't give the same respect to the old as they SAY they do to young.wonder if they are past 40 and where do they place themselfes

  5. How many times do I have to tell you that I agree with your statement that we must reopen the country for business. I agree with you. More people die in auto accidents each year. So if 20-30,000 more people die, it's still worth it to open the economy, right? Dr. Phil even pointed this out. I'm not sure why you're so upset at me. I agree with you and your thinking.

    If you're saying that we must open the country back up, aren't you saying that more death is okay? What am I missing?

  6. Now you’re putting words in my mouth. When is more death ever okay? You don’t close down what was the best economy in the world forever. There is a time to reopen in increments.
