Thursday, April 16, 2020

Liberal Policies Cause Death and Mayhem

Just Hours After His Release from Jail Due to COVID-19 Fears, Inmate Commits Murder

On March 13, Joseph Edwards Williams was arrested in Hillsborough County (Primarily a Democrat county with no Republican winning since 2004) Florida for possession of heroin.
On March 19, Williams was released from jail due to fears of further coronavirus spread.
On March 20, Williams was arrested again.
This time, for killing a human being.

Read about it...


  1. To the liberal who just tried to post here...everything would have been fine with your post (other than the fact that you failed to mention that it was the Democrat sheriff and Hillsborough County that released this criminal) although it was signed by a judge.
    It doesn't matter when or by whom this judge was appointed but it was by Democrat governor Lawton Chiles who appointed him to the Court originally.
    Let's face it, Liberals fucked up, again.
    It was your last BS that makes your comment moot here. You just will never learn.
    Typical yellow dog. Lazy. Stupid. And FOS.

  2. Wow, Lynn, you are getting feisty. All these released convicts were supposed to be "non-violent" offenders like burglars and bad check writers right?

  3. Yeah whatever you say. One thing we do know, they are convicted criminals. They’re too far to rob your home so you don’t have to worry about the low lives.
