Thursday, April 16, 2020

Guidelines on Re-opening our Economy

Phase One includes the most stringent guidelines.

“‘Phase one’ calls on employers to telework where possible, return to work in phases, minimize non-essential travel and make accommodations for the vulnerable populations within the workforce. It calls on all vulnerable individuals to ‘shelter in place,’ and when in public, all individuals should continue social distancing,” ABC News reported.

“In ‘phase two,’ non-essential travel for employers can resume. Schools and organized youth activity can reopen. Bars, gyms and large venues can reopen with proper social distancing measures in places. Churches can open with social distancing. Elective surgeries can resume.”

Over time, the guidelines relax, and by Phase three, vulnerable populations are able to “resume public interactions,” while still practicing physical distancing.

Read about it...

Was watching the Live Stream--what a bunch of hateful Democrats. Sad.

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