Thursday, April 9, 2020

Commission Meeting Lake Worth (Beach)

Lake Worth (Beach) Commission meeting tonight

Sometimes I really have to wonder about this commission and what and why they place certain items on the Agenda. I always wonder about some items on the Consent Agenda where they spend millions without any discussion or information to the public, you know, the people they serve.

The Mayor is giving a proclamation placed on the Consent Agenda, to Bangladesh, an Islamic country, the fourth-largest Muslim-majority country in the world, no kidding. Why are we wasting time on something such as this? The U.S. gives them $520.16 Mn a year in foreign aid.The country is one of the poorest countries on the planet and the commission's proclamation says that the country has been led mostly by women. So what?

They will  have a presentation on COVID-19, something in which we are all interested. The City says "While all activities and programs the City provides under normal circumstances are important, during an emergency the focus turns to ensuring the core critical functions. These are the services and programs of which the City is responsible to provide and directly affect the basic health, safety and welfare of our citizens and businesses. These include Water, Sewer, Electric, Sanitation, Emergency Permitting, Policing, Emergency Medical, and Fire Protection.

Each City Department, PBSO and PBCF/R are prepared and have a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) that ensures that these basic services continue and are safe during this crisis."

Oh, and they will finalize the adoption of the new city seal...really unimpressive. If they so insisted that the word "beach" be in our city's name, why not a graphic of a beach? Local artists should have been invited to submit a suggestion and then voted upon especially as the city is so into it being an artist destination.


  1. lake worth beach was not incorporated in 1913.if they are going to change history do it right

  2. It is rather ugly. Can't the city do better?

  3. It's only a name change. The city itself was incorporated in 1913. Same city, different name. I changed my name when I got married--same person, different name.

  4. What the hell are those little circle in the middle of the seal?

  5. looks like an old tattoo .

  6. It is an artist's depiction of a hibiscus.

  7. looks like a union symble
