Thursday, April 9, 2020

United Nations might run out of cash

UN May Run Out of Cash by July

"The management chief said contributions for regular budget assessments have sharply declined in the first quarter of 2020 relative to earlier years, explaining that the payment of assessments by Member States has "resulted in a collection gap of more than $220 million."

The United States is the largest provider of financial contributions to the United Nations, providing 22 percent of the entire UN budget. We are the largest donor and the largest debtor.

"On January 3, 2017, a bill entitled the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017 (ASRA) was introduced in the House to withdraw the US from the U.N. This bill was nearly identical to the first such bill, the ASRA of 1997, introduced by Ron Paul. Since then, a version of the ASRA has been introduced in every congressional session. To date, each such attempt has been met with minimal congressional support and died in committee.[Wikipedia]

Read about it...


  1. I think we shuld get out of the UN and then get them out of New York

  2. UN needs to be booted out of New York. It would make a great site for another Trump towers!

  3. Didn't DeBlasio say no more Trump buildings in NY? I don't remember but it sounds like something he would say. LOL
