Thursday, April 9, 2020

Poor Joe Biden

What In The World Is Joe Biden Trying To Say?

Can't Complete A Single Sentence

"How much more ridiculous can Joe Biden get?! This man is a complete waste of a Democratic candidate. Some of the things he says are just so bizarre, and beyond that, some of the things he says are just completely impossible to understand what message he's trying to convey.

The Democratic National Committee has even pledged $22 million in YouTube ads to help promote the former vice president. Your guess is as good as mine as to why they're wasting their money on a candidate that has no chance of winning." [Tediummedia]

Read about stumbling, bumbling Joe...


  1. I find it funny that the MSM almost out of necessity states at the end of most Biden reports that he leads Trump in the polls. Wait till the debates where he will have to speak for more than 15 seconds and sound intelligent.

    Trump is gonna mop up the floor with him.

    I am of the opinion that the D's will march out someone else to take the place of confused Joe. Most likely Hillary or Michelle. They might again go for the "2 fer" they thought they could get with the Clintons.

    Go Orange one!

  2. Will handsy ,graby Uncle Joe even live long enough to run?
