Wednesday, October 23, 2019

12 Trump Accomplishments

12 of President Trump’s Top Accomplishments As President So Far

[Freedom Headlines]
  • Tax Cuts: The Trump administration passed huge tax reform, part of which cut the corporate rate to 21% which has excited and ignited many business owners boosted the stock market tremendously.
  • Stock Market: Speaking of the stock market, the Dow has set record highs 89 times since Trump took office with 70 of them occurring in his first year. and gained 5,000 points in one single year for the first time in history.
  • Economic Growth: The GDP has grown by more than 3% for two quarters in a row.
  • Consumer Confidence: In October, consumer confidence rose to the highest level in 17 years, according to the New York-based Conference Board.
  • Deregulation: Trump has cut 67 Obama-era regulations and added only three new rules. This has boosted business confidence, economic activity, and stock market growth which has led to such massive economic growth.
  • Judicial Appointments: Trump has appointed numerous judges included Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. As soon as Notorious RBG is gone, he’ll add one more conservative to the court.
  • Unemployment: Trump did inherit some low unemployment numbers from President Obama, but he has continued to bring them down to the lowest numbers in half a century including the lowest level of unemployment for the black population.
  • Israel: Trump has restored relations with Israel that was destroyed under Obama.
  • Immigration: Illegal immigration has been on the decline with the exception of ridiculous months of Soros sponsored migrants being paid to come over. The Southern border wall is being built and progressing well.
  • U.S. Energy: The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines are currently under construction which is going to bring in approximately 42,000 new jobs to America. We are producing more energy than we use 
  • Coal: Former President Obama had started a war on the coal industry…Trump rolled back environmental regulations but coal consumption continues to slump. It could become harder to hold the line on employment, because U.S. coal exports are expected to fall over the next two years.
  • Schools: Trump has initiated school choice programs all across the country which is a step toward a better education system because it will force schools to do better or be dissolved

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