Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mexico has lost control to Drug Cartel

Battles erupted between the cartel and the Mexican army in the city of Culiacan in Mexico after the arrest of El Chapo’s son who had been arrested. In an hour long gun fight, Mexican authorities decided to release Guzman's drug trafficking son. Mexico's president defended his decision to give-up Guzman.

The criminals are ruling Mexico! Why would Mexico take this action and allow criminals to rule?

President Trump, continues to secure our southern border and finish the wall.


  1. How’s we doin on the war on drugs in the USA?

  2. Build the wall.
    Deport Illegals.
    Throw criminals in jail.
    Secure our border.
    We've had a war on drugs for decades. Without Mexico stopping the drug cartels and allowing the movement of drugs across our border, it won't stop.
    Got any ideas?

  3. Georgia Bush Jr was a cokehead, Bill Clinton smoked weed and probably other drugs and the same with Barry Obama so how can you stop drugs when you are on them?
