Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Former KKK Grand Wizard Endorses Tulsi Gabbard

Kiss of Death?

Tulsi Gabbard Gets Endorsement From KKK Leader David Duke

Now who in their right mind would want an endorsement from David Duke? He is an American neo-Nazi, anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, far-right politician, convicted felon, and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Duke is a Holocaust denier, and espouses conspiracy theories about Jewish control of academia, the press, and the financial system. [Wikipedia]

Read about it...


  1. "I'm overjoyed to see Donald Trump and most Americans embrace most of the issues that I've championed for years." - David Duke, 2016

  2. Tulsi has the same problem that Melania has. They are both exquisitely beautiful women. People like Joy Behar, and Hillary Clinton, ugly old crones, would destroy them if they could, but all they can do is engage in destructive gossip.

    As far as the KKK goes: a cat can look at a king they say. There is nothing you can do if undesirable people support you.

  3. @9:05--
    David Duke calls himself a civil rights activist who works to defend the rights and heritage of all people. Read his book, My Awakening. He says that globalism (something Democrats seem to embrace) will eradicate human diversity and freedom.

  4. I'm a bit confused, I guess. In the post you describe Duke in pejorative terms.

    Here in the comments, are you saying you support his message?

  5. I didn't mean to belittle him. David Duke is what he is...some bad and some good. But having said that, I wouldn't want his endorsement because of his past in being the Grand Wizard of the KKK. He'll never live that down.

  6. True that one cannot choose every endorsement except the one for Justin Trudeau from Obama, trying to escape that blackface photo.

  7. @4:24--
    and there are a hell of a lot of people who don't like Antifa, Black Lives matter, Occupy Democrats or even a Left-Wigner for that matter.
    Don't threaten me.

  8. I'm not threatening you, Lynn, I'm giving you advice. It's a known fact that there are a lot of people who don't like racists and white supremacists. If I were writing a blog in South Florida, I wouldn't want people to know that I supported a guy like David Duke...or Hitler...or Mussolini...these are just not people that the vast majority of Americans tend to like or hold in high esteem.

    Like I said, you're free to admire Duke and what he believes in...but, honestly, I wouldn't share that with your neighbors and community.

    Lastly, you're trying to make this a political thing, like you do everything...but it's really a safety thing more than anything else.

  9. When did I say I supported Duke? You really need to take it easy. I’m sure I don’t like him any more than I like Left-wingers. And I would guess that both have some redeeming traits.

  10. 5:20 Now you're dredging up Hitler and Mussolini? Who mentioned them besides you. BE SAFE.

  11. If you mention Duke and others without mentioning Sharpton, you are the racist, 5:20 and no, our country can't heal without an admission of guilt from both sides.
