Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Our Pool - The 11 year Fiasco

In May 2017, the City of Lake Worth had Kimley-Horn (a company in business since 1967 and world renowned) give a presentation on what it would cost to repair the pool and the locker room facility. This surprised the City and stunned the Commission and did not fit into their agenda. Kimley-Horn said the building was structurally sound (that really surprised the City) and the following was all it would take to get our pool repaired, operational and making money.  Of course, there were some who just didn't want to accept an engineering report from a prestigious company.

Other Remarks by engineers:
Pool structural deficiencies: None
Pool finishes: fairly good
Building condition (locker rooms and restrooms): Fair to good
Building deficiencies: Roof cover and minor mechanical and plumbing issues
Pump House deficiencies: Replace roof system. interior piping near end of its useful life--needs to be removed and replaced.

Then one should ask the question, why didn't the City just repair our pool...why did they close our pool? Answer: Bornstein didn't want a pool there...called it a White Elephant right after he was hired. Seven years later he is closer to getting his wish.

In 2008, we accepted an FDRAP matching grant from the State of Florida for $200,000 (so we had $400,000 that was used towards our pool). This was for basic pool repairs with the caveat of "keeping it open for the public" or if we did not repair it and have it opened, paying the $$$ back. Read about it

In March 2017,our pool was "temporarily" closed. Read about it

Letter from Florida Department of Environmental Protection dated 4-22-19 which is BS at this point.

After total deterioration of our pool due to its closing, now this commission wants to spend $6 to $10 million on an aquatic facility--who knows. $509k vs $10 million??!! The city manager will figure it out and set it straight as well as all of us for that matter.


  1. What is their problem at city hall? Just fix the damn pool.

  2. Lynn, thank you for all of the incredible research that you do! YOU need to be a Commissioner,Lynn!

  3. Why do you let someone with such a limited vocabulary post on your blog. A person with such limited control over their speech may very well have other serious problems.

    At any rate, it doesn't look good for you either.

  4. I agree with 10.43 but when people wont get off their asses and vote it is never going to change.lets shake these bastards up by getting all your neighbors out to vote ext time.i know this is a none dem or republic city but it sure is looking one sided

  5. We also allow elitists such as yourself to post here too @11:59.

  6. Ouch, F-me for voting for them and winning every time, looks like someone is not getting any! Sad!

  7. I would rather talk to 10.43 than11.59 as they speak the truth any way they can and 11.59 is a dem who wants you to speak,to walk ,to think and to pee like they do.get over it PRESIDENT TRUMO WON

  8. That's hardly the point Lynn!

  9. @6:30--can you let us know what you are talking about? The blog points or someone saying the F word?
