Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Lake Worth's Low Lives

Lake Worth is changing before our very eyes.  A lot happens in this little city but one thing we can always be assured of is CRIME that never stops. In fact, it escalates and changing the name of our city will NOT stop that. But there is no use in telling that to our elected officials who don't ever want anyone to mention crime. That would scare off the investors/developers who want to build more affordable housing to attract more low lives.

How a Lake Worth Beach woman’s $70 utility bill check was stolen and changed to $1,200

Criminals managed to get into the dropbox at the annex. Where are our frigging cameras? How much did they cost us?

Read about the low lives... who live/thrive in our city.


  1. they had to have been liberals or bernie supporters wanting someone elses' stuff

  2. if its the box I saw them working on it s in the drive and looks like a mail drop off.easy to get in.you ask where are the cameras WHERE ARE THE COPS.SOME DONT BELEIVE IT BUT AT 6 IN THE MORNING THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE WONDERING THAT AREA

  3. Cheer Up! It could be worse. It could be a tent city yet.

  4. a tent city would look better than the painted buildings we have to look at

  5. Low lives???? Look at every other slum and rehab rental house in Lake worth. Tax paying home owners need to start "Home Owners Asso." Look on Palm Beach court dockets....renters of Lake Worth on most of the criminal arrest. Sheriff Dept, protects the criminals not the good investors of homes that want to live and enjoy their property. My home on S K street i have reported the criminals next o me for over a year, low lives for sure, the are allowed to have pigs , pitt bulls, a toxic hoard, unregistered clunkers stored up and down the street and a convicted felon threaten me day in and day out as well as stealing my mail...and don't forget the open drug dealing at the little white picket fence . Little Jonny, #1 low life of Lake Worth protected by Palm Beach Sheriff dept on disability for drug addiction paid by our tax dollars . Lake Worth is the valley of death....

  6. You could make that case, but believe me, it could be worse.

  7. 9.59 if your story is true and I am not disbelieving you my question is still the same.where is code and the cops.the leaders of this city suck.lets stand together and change that next election.
