Tuesday, April 23, 2019

City Commission to contract for another Study on how to attract development

Let's zone it and then we'll figure out what to do with it!

Through the years of this trio commission (Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso), the City of Lake Worth (Beach) has significantly changed its Comprehensive Plan with the goal of making things very attractive to developers and paving over everything in its way even to the point of demolishing historic houses. In 2013, they adopted new Land Development Regulations and in 2018 a City Opportunity Zone.

Opportunity zones were created in the 2017 federal tax overhaul as a way to entice companies to invest in underdeveloped areas. A company can reduce the capital gains taxes it owes on previous investments if it invests in low-income communities that have been designated as opportunity zones.

On Thursday night, there will be a Work Session to discuss the Economic Investment Climate and the Opportunity Zone that this commission designated in 2018. They want another study done at the cost of $40k on urban design/planning of the City's Opportunity Zone.

Be sure to attend and see what more this commission has in store for our city as they love Studies, they love spending money and they definitely love developers.


  1. Are they talking about Boutwell? It looks really good over there; we should be able to actually realize some good revenues when that area is completed.

  2. That is because andy, pam, and scottie are ALL in bed with the developers. Believe us, they do not have any intelligence on their own, a bunch of dumbos and little high school and college. These three are selling out this city to the developers at the expense of homeowners, but hell, andy could care less, he does not own anything and has no real business background, do you think he studied business in a university? andy is no President Trump, it doesn't take more to see and know what these three are doing. Poor Lake Worth!

  3. I do agree with the DUMBO description but those 3 idiots have zero credibility nor anything to offer developers. These 3 idiots especially that Napoleon Andy let Starbucks close the store in the downtown while granting them a variance for the drive through which was not allowed on Dixie. Not one of these Dumbos ever thought to ask Starbucks what the plan was with the lake ave store or better yet put a clause in the variance stating you must keep the lake ave. store open until they had another suitable tenant for it as per city approval.Think about it if we are granting a variance for a drive through which is illegal as per our zoning they could of forced Starbucks to stay open r stay until that suitable replacement was in place. Instead Starbucks had years left on the lease and they just abandoned the store put restrictions on who can rent it and just pays the rent and keeps it vacant. The store would of rented many times over if Starbucks didn’t have the restrictions of no coffee no food etc... on this location. The bottom line is Andy has zero business experience his current business is a joke. He evades paying workman’s comp. He pays most of his workers cash. He is a terrible business Napoleon I mean person. This is a guy that has numerous NSF charges on his bank statement for his business every single month and were letting him make business decisions for our city. Please people wake up get rid of this turd.
