Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Florida Anti-Sanctuary City bills

Florida's Legislators Need to hear from you regarding Anti-Santuary bills!

The Anti-sanctuary bills, SB 168 and HB 527,  have passed out of all committees favorably.  The full House will vote on HB527 on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 sometime after 12:30 PM.  You can view the House floor proceedings at House Schedule.  The exact time is unknown and the session could continue quite late. The House bill will pass easily but the vote on SB 168 in the full Senate will be close.  The date for the full Senate vote has not yet been announced.

The Anti-sanctuary bills would prohibit illegal-alien sanctuary practices and ensure that criminal aliens are not released into local communities. Republican Senator Anitere Flores has already announced her opposition.

Legislators in the Senate are facing an onslaught of pressure from open-borders groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and United We Dream. These groups are trying to make SB 168 toxic by claiming it is discriminatory. However, the anti-sanctuary bill merely prohibits localities from adopting policies that shield criminal aliens.[FLIMEN]

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