Thursday, March 7, 2019

Potheads will love Senate bill 420

In February, Senate bill S420 was introduced in the U.S. Senate by a Democrat that if passed, would nationally legalize marijuana.  A majority of voters like the idea according to Rasmussen.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters favor legalization of marijuana nationwide. Thirty-seven percent (37%) are opposed.

You have to wonder what age group Rasmussen targeted...were there more liberals than conservatives, more Millennials polled? What demographic?  Liberal states of Washington, Oregon and California?

"The long-term effects on the brain and body make marijuana a dangerous drug to a lot of people, leading to negative outcomes that don’t show until years later," says American Addiction Centers.

Go to and read about the Dangers of Legalizing Marijuana.


  1. Let's say you know 100 people as close friends or family.
    Of these, 20 are experiencing either : severe pain from Arthritis ; Cancer ; chronic inflammation problems; alcoholism in some form ; anxiety disorders where doctors would typically prescribe a dangerous and addictive drug like
    Klonopin a benzodiazepine drug. Each of these conditions facing people you care very much about, are treated poorly by existing medical treatments, to the extent you could say negligently, when compared to the far superior results when the same conditions are treated by CBD oil and THC from Marijuana. So people you now care about a great deal, can either be help into a much better life, or forced to face a relatively dismal future.

    At the same time, another 30 people you are close to, may face some of these issues in the future...and this includes YOU.

    And. More to the point of your post, 5 people you know may abuse marijuana, along with another 10 people you will never meet. These people knew the risks of abusing, and did not care.

    My position is that the abusers will get hurt by their own stupid actions--no one else's, and we SHOULD NOT hurt the good people we know that need CBD and THC in order to protect the stupid few that are self destructive anyway...and if these stupid few are not abusing THC - they would be abusing alcohol, cough syrup, sniffing glue or gasoline, or any number of dumb choices.... It is not in the best interest of the people you care about, to concern yourself with wide sweeping laws "to protect the unprotectable" , protection at the expense of those you love.

  2. Hey Dan--happy you know all the percentages. I'm not talking about medical marijuana.

  3. Lynn,
    I am just saying that unlike alcohol, Marijuana, particularly if consumed from Canna butter with food, is a major health product. It is potentially better or more important than vitamin C or any other health product we know of. Allowing big pharma and our Profit based Medical system to control Marijuana is morally wrong, because this control group should not have the right to hold back health from people that do not want to pay them and make them rich. People, anecdotally, already have learned how to cure cancer and arthritis with proper dosing of CBD and THC, and this is something Doctors have no ability to use, and so will be many years before they can catch up with their clinical trials. We don't need or want doctors to control what steak or eggs we eat...they have no more right to that than they do for controling medical marijuana. In other words, marijuana needs to be legal. The dregs of society will always hurt themselves with something, and that argument fails for the good of the majority.

  4. Addendum.... Smoking Pot in Public would be as wrong as drinking alcohol in Bryant Park....and in fact, we do have disgusting people smoking pot..and drinking, in Bryant Park. But with legalized marijuana, you need the controls similar to alcohol, and maybe even more inclusive....can't be smoking in your car, or walking down the road smoking, or really anywhere but in your home or a friend's. We need to create the "cultural" mandate of how it should be used, just like there is a culturally approve way to drink alcohol.

  5. Dan, LOL, you'll never convince me but thanks for your passion.

  6. Lets just give the youth one more way to be idiots. Great. Medical Marijuana? Just a smoke screen.Pun intended. There are much better drugs out there that are legal and that can do just as much or more than Miracle Weed can.In EVERY instance.

  7. My friend started medical marijuana on Saturday, and I haven't seen him since.

    No drug that rearranges your brain cells can be a good drug. There are pains you can stand and pains you can't stand. Most pains you can stand. Life is not without pain.

    Try Exercise!

  8. If pot is a med then hand it over to big pharma not to scammers and robo signers. Those pot oil products are being sold in a crummy shop on L street, and in gas stations. It's impossible to control.

  9. I don't indulge in drink,smoke or drugs.the generations from past to future are going to get their weed or drink from where they legalize pot and let the good people do the right thing.maybe it will catch on.more important things fix the pool and vote no on city name change

  10. Right, like we need all these high people all over the place, driving baked and killing people. I am so sick and tired of all these idiots and people who promote recreational pot just for the sake of it to be high. Why can't people just enjoy life, the beach, their kids, jobs, passions and not have to be high to survive or get through life. All of the stupid people who need pot just to be high or get by or support this are a bunch off losers. There is no reason why people have to go around in life seeking to just be high. Life is not that bad and it is a harmful drug that causes a lot of problems, people do not realize that smoking pot, either the potential mother or father in making a child can causes major birth defects like Down's Syndrome by smoking pot, even if just the father did and impregnates a women, that child can be born with birth defects. It is a proven fact! Why would anyone want to be that stupid and selfish to cause such possible birth defects on an innocent baby and impact a family and upbringing in this way? Pot is bad overall, it is not something we should take lightly AT ALL! Think about it and do your homework. Wise up folks! Then you wonder why we have so many problems in our society. Pot is one big reason for many problems whether you want to believe it or not. Pot is NOT smart!

  11. Colorado has gone to hell since they legalized it. No one works any more and the state is going bankrupt. They're all miserable and no one wants to go there because people are constantly running over each other while they're lit.

    It's a national emergency.

  12. No suits on Wall Street! Pot for everyone! I think people have just given up. Their true lazy nature is coming to the forefront. Nothing but a bunch of peasants who immigrated here from Europe generations ago.

  13. The governor of Colorado is on record regretting the legalization of pot. More accidents and more children in the ER from ingesting pot products that look like candy. The ramifications don't stop there as we see ambitions drained from our population.

  14. Legal Marijuana should not be any more about going around town high than Legal Alcohol being about driving around town because you are too drunk to walk....Public intoxication is wrong, alcohol or pot. It can not be tolerated. That level of intoxication is the crime...this is what our culture has to define as acting like a pariah, so if a person is a stumbling drunk in town, or so high on pot they are acting high, this is seen by the majority of people as sick behavior....peers should shame them for this behavior. This is really a cultural issue, and the LAW should deal with the "public intoxication" as the crime, not the culturally approved use of alcohol or pot. That would be a big topic all by itself, and one that should be discussed another day.... I would also say that claiming Pot causes birth defects is a ridiculous assertion in this discussion. We all know a pregnant woman can not drink alcohol during the pregnancy or risk serious problems for the child. With a pregnant woman smoking lots of pot, there are no definitive studies on this, which means it may or may not cause birth defects comparable to alcohol. But we do know that a woman that did either during pregnancy, or that drank a pint of cough syrup per day, is a sick person that should not be allowed to do this. The problem is the person, not the pot. You don't fix drunk driving by outlawing find the people that would drive drunk. C'mon, eye on the ball here :-)

  15. What we are all overlooking here, is Wall Street. Trillions of dollars in gains for the Super Rich: e.g. Martha Stewart is joining with pot grower to develop products. SHE'S NOT GOING TO SMOKE IT STUPID!

  16. There are way too many excuses in our society here today. POT is one of those excuses. ANYONE SUPPORTING THE USE OF POT is misguided and completely uniformed and lacks any real intellect. When anyone support this recreational use of pot or any pot, your are just as stupid as the people doing it. Excuses be gone!

  17. This is a lot of crap!

    "My position is that the abusers will get hurt by their own stupid actions--no one else's"

    Pot hurts everyone, even innocent babies who can be born with birth defects or the mother raising the child due to the selfish father smoking pot contributing to these birth defects.

    Pot hurts everyone, not just the user. It hurts societies, look what drug production has done to rural areas of Mexico and Colombia today. The users in the USA are to blame for all the poverty and insecurity in other countries who are mass producing all these drugs. IT HURTS EVERYONE, DON'T BE SO DAMN NAIVE AND IGNORANT!

  18. 8.57 I am not not for pot.but pot is not the only fault for unborn babys being deformed.ask any doc what what beer or cigs do to babys.get more high from working in the garden or just walking and smelling nature

  19. Colorado is a very interesting opportunity to see important issue in motion related to legalizing marijuana...and to see how badly the reporting is of the American News media, where bad reporting and no concern for the truth, is replaced daily by agenda. If you read enough sources of news, sometimes you can read between the lines...this report helps with this...

  20. Seriously! What do we need it for? Do you think they would be rushing to legalize this scourge, if there weren't people who are going to benefit from it in a big way. Grow up! Follow the Money! They're not doing it so you can get high. They don't care about you, and don't know you exist. You're being used!

  21. Anonymous posters - If you can't discuss the endocannabinoid system and what it means to human health, you have no right to an opinion on whether we should let people have Marijuana or not..... this is like a person that is blind, telling us that art work is bad because it does not make a sound.
    Seriously, how can you guys be so lazy that you can't discuss the foundational issue? Read up on it, know why this is one of the biggest things for human health in the last hundred years, and then tell us your take on the matter. If you guys want links to begin with, I can give you dozens of great ones. But here is one of the more compelling links you might begin with :

  22. stop telling people they don't have a voice in this for the person saying we don't need people on pot and driving they are already out there.put the phone down

  23. Bigger than Penicillin, right Dan?

  24. I could find many scientists and MD's that would argue on my side, and against you - on Penicillin. You see our immune systems are vastly more important than an antibiotic, because the immune system is the front line on all pathogens the body is exposed to, 24 / 7...and something like penicillin has a relatively small range of bacteria it can fight, it is useless for viruses, and it is actually very destructive to every cell in your body, every time you use it....but fortunately, it is even more destructive to some forms of pathogenic bacteria.
    In the same sense, the overall homeostasis of our bodies are dramatically enhanced by THC and CBD, as these supercharge our endocannabinoid system, making our body better at healing itself. Big Pharma does not like this, because trillions in drugs that treat symptoms for life, will be lost when people begin healing themselves, with a healthy and functional endocannabinoid system..That will be because of CBD and THC, and millions of people having experienced first hand how much better this is than drugs that are inherently unhealthy for you in the first place. This is a discussion I can have easily with a doctor, but it will be difficult for someone that is not at least a biochemist, or with an advanced degree in biology.
    Healthy people want no part in taking antibiotics. This is very evident in the 90 year old to 100 year old people many of us know, that avoid doctors and drugs at all costs.

  25. Sounds like this guy dan is the know it all, the only one that can have an opinion or intellectual view on pot. dan we all have a view and voice here, although you seem to think only what you say here matters and no one else's views on this concern about legalizing recreational pot is OK. Many of us do not agree with you! I think people are imbeciles when they think only what they say or think matters.

  26. This comment makes no sense and sounds really ignorant. When people smoke pot, either the male or female, it doesn't matter, then when they have a child, planned or unplanned, there is a very high rate that this child will be born with birth defects, it could even be the male only who used the pot, that can cause this problem with possible birth defects. This in itself is argument enough for why we need to stop recreational pot and eliminate it from our society, it is hurtful for all of us. Why leave it up to each individual? Just like abortion, it is murder, it says a lot about us as a society, when we allow this we are not valuing life. It says a lot about a humane society.

    Dan Volker said...
    Legal Marijuana should not be any more about going around town high than Legal Alcohol being about driving around town because you are too drunk to walk....Public intoxication is wrong, alcohol or pot. It can not be tolerated. That level of intoxication is the crime...this is what our culture has to define as acting like a pariah, so if a person is a stumbling drunk in town, or so high on pot they are acting high, this is seen by the majority of people as sick behavior....peers should shame them for this behavior. This is really a cultural issue, and the LAW should deal with the "public intoxication" as the crime, not the culturally approved use of alcohol or pot. That would be a big topic all by itself, and one that should be discussed another day.... I would also say that claiming Pot causes birth defects is a ridiculous assertion in this discussion. We all know a pregnant woman can not drink alcohol during the pregnancy or risk serious problems for the child. With a pregnant woman smoking lots of pot, there are no definitive studies on this, which means it may or may not cause birth defects comparable to alcohol. But we do know that a woman that did either during pregnancy, or that drank a pint of cough syrup per day, is a sick person that should not be allowed to do this. The problem is the person, not the pot. You don't fix drunk driving by outlawing find the people that would drive drunk. C'mon, eye on the ball here :-)
    March 8, 2019 at 10:21 AM

  27. Pot and Coca both have medicinal value. The Inca used and still use it today in its natural form to help with living in high elevations. Pot also has some health benefits, but not really by smoking it as much, smoking it can be harmful and have other side effects. God created many plants and herbs that have wonderful medicinal properties that we can use, dandelion, chamomile, mint, ginger, marjoram, sarsaparilla, etc. Even aspirin comes from the weeping willow tree and has value. Many herbs have valuable properties. Look at Edgar Cayce he prescribed many herbs, like castor oil (Ricinus communis, the castor bean or castor oil plant), packs for curing cancer too.

    I agree that many of these herbs have wonderful benefits, but when you start saying alternatives to them like smoking pot for recreational purposes or using cocaine is okay, then there is a problem, these are serious drugs that when used and abused put others at risk and harm a society as a whole. While using cannabis oil to use to cure cancer is one thing, but using cannabis to just smoke to get high and escape reality is a whole other ball game and it is wrong for our society.

    I will caution on the side of God and what He created for us, not man.

    Got religion?

  28. Ken and Tristan.... Ken first---.You can't just make up a claim about pot causing birth defects because it makes sense to you. I have seen zero studies showing this, and I have been researching CBD and THC for over a year now ( because of one family member with cancer, and another with severe chronic back pain). If you are going to post on a public forum like this, you should be prepared to offer the proof of your assertions. If not, your claims are without merit. What studies can you offer a link to that show pot causes birth defects, how well do they make their case when you critique their journal article, and has this study been duplicated by anyone else? I don't believe you will come back with any credible basis for your claim. And remember, I agree with you that people trying to get high or drunk all the time, are sick people, and this needs to be dealt with by laws against public intoxication, public endangerment, or related bad social behavior.
    Tristan.... I could care less about sounding intellectual or dull. All I care about is covering the key issues in this discussion. Since neither you or any of the anonymous posters have come back with any comments that indicate you read the very simple article on the biochemist that cured his own cancer with THC and CBD, it would seem you can't be bothered to educate yourself about the medical value of pot, or about how your body has a natural system that uses cannabinoids EVEN IF YOU DON'T SMOKE OR INGEST POT.. Uneducated and misdirected opinions should not be flouted in public. They hurt the mass consciousness of the public, by confusing where there should be no confusion. Read the article I linked and discuss this with me. What would be the harm in that ?

  29. Who did the double blind studies and clinical trials, which university, or is this some witch doctor you are accessing. Try not to be so wordy. As far as I know, you have no credentials that would make reading your column worth my time.

  30. Very impressive that an anonymous non-person is familiar with the expression "double blind studies". Unfortunately this is not related to your understanding of the endocannabinoid system. Hint...this is part of the human body, just as much as your adrenal glands are. It is a bit scary that so m many pretend people on this blog, don't even care to learn about basic human cell functioning that could dramatically improve their life...much like a diabetic that had no interest in hearing about insulin or what was causing their problem with blood sugar levels and frequent comas. Maybe some people just love to offer their opinion, and knowing something is meaningless to them....AOC would be the poster child for this, but some of you guys are close :-)

  31. I prefer to talk to my pharmacist when I have a question about drugs. He went to pharmacy school for six years.

  32. Don't listen to this tonto. Do your homework, there are thousands of research studies done on pot how it can cause birth defects and even Down's Syndrome and other conditions:

    Google it or go to Google Scholar and you will find plenty of peer-reviewed researched published papers on this fact.

    Don't just listen to one ignoramus that is a denialist and doesn't want to except the truth or read real documented research from many years on the topic. Do your homework, there are a lot that think they know a lot, but YouTube stuff beware.

    Search in scientific journals, many publications against why pot is bad and causes birth defects.

  33. OK MD that is not.....if you were going to post a link that supports your position that pot can cause birth defects, it might be a good idea to read the article first. This one states clearly that there is no difinitive proof either way.. Of course, no one in their right mind thinks that pregnant women should drink alcohol, smoke pot, or do many pharmaceutical drugs.

    Maybe someone fibbed to you, and told you this thread was about pot for pregnant is not. It is about our culture defining stupid and dangerous behaviors, and labeling people that engage in them as pariahs..and potentially having laws for this...the "public intoxication", the intoxication while pregnant, etc....This thread is about a system IN our bodies called the endocannabinoid system, and people that have no sense of what it is, have no business weighing in on the merits of legalized pot. It is that simple.

  34. the panacea, Named after the Greek Goddess of Universal Remedy, Panacea, is any supposed remedy that is claimed to cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. Wikipedia
