Thursday, March 7, 2019

Democrats are Afraid

Democrats Exclude Fox News from Primary Debates

What this is all about --Democrats want to control the entirety of narrative in the United States. And if they don't, they cry and whine a lot. We have seen this for years now and the unfair treatment of President Trump. Democrats have the news media in their hip pocket but the one cable news channel that is fair and balanced and has the top ratings, (other than a few shows that are Opinion such as Watters, Hannity and Ingraham), they can not control. So, their only power is excluding them from their Democrat Primary Debates.

President Trump is the only one who calls a spade a spade--probably using the word "spade" a Democrat would call that "racist" because that's what liberals do. They take the silliest thing and turn it into a race war.

Democrats want to be the sole voice in our country.  They are not interested in another opinion and they hate Trump who was elected as an equal part of a three-branch government. Their goal is to bring down all conservatives. They would be happy with a one party system that now is turning more socialist every day. They love to call conservatives names but they are the fascists and now afraid of possible hardball questions for their candidates. Sorry group and a scary group...alarming for our Republic.

They have made a big mistake excluding Fox. I doubt if very many Republicans will tune in to their Primaries now. But it won't matter--none of them will be able to beat Donald Trump in 2020.

Read about it...


  1. Fox News is Trump News.

    Democrats are trying to unseat him so why give him ammo? Trump has given close to 50 interviews with Fox and less than 10 to other news outlets.

    In the end, who cares if Republicans moan and wail about it? They're wimps. Eff 'em.

  2. Seems like the tables are now turned. Obama wouldn't give Fox the time of day. When he did give an interview, the loathing was dripping off his face.

    But what's different is that Fox didn't whine like all the MSM are now.

    I guess Megan Kelly was too kind when she was a Fox moderator asking Trump out of the gate about his infidelities. Chris Wallace is also not afraid to ask the tough questions of Republicans and Democrats.

    The Dems are dissing a HUGE audience. Hopefully it will come back to bite them.

  3. So Dumocrats allow the news outlets with the most bias and censorship? They're wimps "eff" 'm as 5:23 so gratefully said.
