Thursday, March 7, 2019

Company offers to Build the Wall

Company Offers To Build 234 Miles Of Border Wall For $1.4 Billion

Fisher Sand & Gravel with an Arizona company near Phoenix is offering to build 234 miles of President Trump’s border wall for just $1.4 billion, a fraction of the $8 billion the Trump administration is hoping to use for that project.

One little snag--they have had numerous environmental fines. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Justice found that the company's sand and gravel facilities near Phoenix failed to control dust pollution, which can be harmful to breathe. ... In both of those cases, Fisher Sand & Gravel was subject to a civil fine of $150,000.Sep 18, 2017. Liberals will go nuts!

Aside from that, Read about them...


  1. Mexico is going to pay for the wall!!!

  2. Reminds me of all the toxic crap blowing into the Osborn community from a local waste company.
