Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Muslim Omar and her Anti-Semitism

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats will take floor action in response to controversial remarks by Rep. Ilhan Omar about Israel, the second such rebuke of the freshman Democrat from party leaders in recent weeks.

Pelosi and other senior Democrats have drafted a resolution to address the controversy, which ballooned over the weekend following a public clash between Omar and senior Jewish lawmakers.” [Politico]

Actually she should be relieved of her "duties" on the Foreign Relations Committee but Democrats don't have the guts nor the will to do the right thing here. Israel is our number one friend in the volatile Mid-East.

President Trump said,"Representative Ilhan Omar is again under fire for her terrible comments concerning Israel. Jewish groups have just sent a petition to Speaker Pelosi asking her to remove Omar from Foreign Relations Committee. A dark day for Israel!"

Under Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, and Yemen are enemy countries. Ilhan Omar is a naturalized citizen from Somalia where the major religion is Islam.

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