Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Democrats are in over-time to take-down Trump

Democrats have been trying to get President Trump to submit his tax returns for years with no luck. Now that the Mueller investigation (that has cost our country $25 million and the largest division in the history of our country since the Revolution), Democrats are pursuing this. They are showing everyone that it is they who now have the power and rest of the country be damned.

There is no Constitutional requirement that a president release his tax returns. A one page summary is sufficient.

This is going to cost our country millions more as they will have to hire a team of accountants to try and figure it all out. Their determination to get anything to stick against the president is, as the President says, "sick." They continue to perpetuate the "hate" while Republicans back Trump by 93%.

  • The House Ways and Means Committee is preparing to formally ask the Internal Revenue Service for President Donald Trump's tax returns, possibly within the next few weeks, NBC News reported Friday.
  • The Democrat-majority tax-writing committee is willing to do whatever it takes, including taking legal action, to obtain copies of years of Trump's returns, congressional aides involved in the process told NBC.
  • Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal, D-Mass., has reportedly directed his committee's attorneys to prepare the request, and has asked other investigative committees to draft arguments about why they also need Trump's tax returns.


  1. I'm surprised it's only 93%. He's got you guy conned so bad you actually a guy who has been married 3 times and paid a porn star hush money for an affair while he was married is a Christian who was sent here by God for America.

    I mean, what part of that does the 7% not believe because the rest of you are in hook, line and sinker.

  2. What I'm concerned with are all the brainwashed Democrats who just hate him and believe all the BS. Who should we be worried about? I have the answer to that and I sure am cautious walking down the street around here with all you loony tunes on the loose.
    The number of times someone has been married has nothing to do with character. I mean, Bill Clinton was married once but raped women and had oral sex under his desk. LOL.
    Stormy Daniels tells her story. We know what she is. We know who Michael Cohen is and what he's all about. Soon he will be wearing prison stripes. And we know who Donald Trump is--the BEST president of the United States ever.

  3. "I will show the tax returns after the audit is complete"

    They were not being audited.

    "I will show the tax returns after the election"


    I will not show my tax returns


  4. By law, he doesn't have to "show" his tax returns. You people wouldn't be able to understand them anyway so what is your problem?

  5. "The number of times someone has been married has nothing to do with character. I mean, Bill Clinton was married once but raped women and had oral sex under his desk."

    And you're still criticizing him today for it. You applaud Trump for the same abhorrent behavior. Why?

    Does having an affair with a porn star while your wife is home caring for your new baby reflect anything about your character? Is that Christian?

    Why do you feel the need to make excuses for him?

  6. You Need A Psycholgist, LadyMarch 7, 2019 at 5:29 PM

    "Bill Clinton was married once but raped women"

    "Innocent until PROVEN guilty."

    Lynn Anderson: cogent, logical and not at all the same comment thread!!!

  7. He was impeached, found guilty by the senate. No member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge. They found him guilty.
    So, perhaps you know all about you go to one?
