Wednesday, March 6, 2019

City in California removed statute of our 25th President

Liberals and their bogus political correctness have gone stark raving mad. They don't need an excuse; it can be anything caused by their derangement. So many of them seem to live in the sanctuary state of California.

Now in the dead of the night, they have taken down a statue of President William McKinley, our 25th president who was assassinated while he was in office by an anarchist 118 years ago. McKinley fought for the North during the Civil War to ensure freedom for all people but now, once again, getting no respect.

After this terrible and shocking assassination, the deranged killer was sentenced to death in the electric chair. Congress; then passed legislation to officially charge the Secret Service with the responsibility for protecting the President.

Read about McKinley being dishonored again

1 comment:

  1. then start tearing down mlk and Obama statues.gone to far
