Monday, February 11, 2019

People aren't innocent until proven guilty in his book

In this country you are innocent until proven guilty---but don't let politics enter that equation.

The following is a post from Steve Ellman, Lake Worth's liberal Alt-Left Democrat as it appeared on Facebook. It's always politics over common sense with some people, mostly Democrats. Steve used to be an advocate for truth in local politics but it seems he has strayed just as far as all Democrats have and has brought national politics into our local elections, taking the side of the establishment over a fellow citizen and 100% discounting due process by prejudging. Here is his abhorrent comment--
Steve Ellman
February 5 at 3:23 PM

Having read the city file on Richard J Guercio's dismissal from the FAB -- in which he presumes to overrule the city attorney and city manager on matters of law and official procedure -- it's clear that he lacks the temperament to hold an official position.
Richard Guercio, Candidate for City Commissioner District 4 and as former chair of the Finance Advisory board gave his explanation on the firing...Meeting of 1-15-19


  1. Steve Ellman, who's he? a lawyer?

  2. Steve wants to make America sane again. it's too bad that he and his fellow travelers are all insane.

  3. Your link doesn't work....
