Monday, February 11, 2019

President in El Paso tonight

President Trump will be speaking at the El Paso County Coliseum (a 6,500-seat multi-purpose arena located in El Paso, Texas) tonight at 7pm.

USA Today says, "If American politics has turned into a three-ring circus, this city in West Texas will hoist the Big Top on Monday, with President Donald Trump coming to rally for a border wall. Democratic wunderkind Beto O'Rourke will be leading a protest march and even the Trump Baby blimp will be putting in an appearance."

El Paso is rated safer than 27% of U.S. cities and your chances of becoming a victim there is 1 in 53.

Democrats continue to falsely charge that the President wants to build 2,000 miles of border walls and that using El Paso as an example that borders work is a false narrative. Loser Beto O'Rourke has stated that he is "embarrassed" by the wall and that they have no problem even though The New York Times says that illegals are arriving in Texas in droves. He says that the only violence in El Paso was when Chico's changed it's cheese.

So, who should you believe?"  Homeland Security and our border control agents and the President or Beto? I think I will stick with the President's stats on the border wall and not some liberal open border advocate.


  1. No Obama event would have been called "the big top". Journalism is dead.

  2. You're comparing apples to oranges, Lynn. Beto is talking about the part of the border that is in El Paso. Trump's comments about the impact that a border wall has had on El Paso's crime rate have been proven false time and time again by fact-checking organizations. I know you don't believe in the facts that these organizations gather but they are what they are.

    DHS and its employees is talking about the SW border as a whole. Illegal entries are at historic lows but people do continue to enter.

    You can believe who you want to believe, of course. I definitely believe that people continue to enter illegally but I also believe DHS's own stats that show those entries at historical lows.

    I don't believe Trump at all. He gives the people who will still listen to him what they want to hear.

  3. I don't believe socialist Dems at all they give the people who will still listen to them what they want to hear.
