Thursday, January 24, 2019

Venezuela - what a mess

Maduro severing Venezuelan relations with US

President Trump officially recognized the opposition leader Juan Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela. He simply raised his right hand and took over the government! Within hours of this, Maduro gave American diplomats 72 hours to exit the country.

And this is what the Democrat party wants for the United States--socialism! Why don't they teach this in Harvard for David Hogg...not only is socialism doomed to failure but it always fails. Give that message to AOC, the big mouthpiece of the Democrat party. Boy, is that party losing it.

1 comment:

  1. My concern with Venezuela begins and ends with the American Diplomats, and that said, I'd like to know what practical purpose they are serving there.

    It's a long walk from Venezuela to Texas!
