Thursday, January 24, 2019

On a Scale of 1 - 5 - Last Night's Candidate Forum

With #1 being the best--

I always surprise myself---choosing an ultra-liberal such as Omari as Top Dog at last night's NAPC Candidate debate. He was the most articulate and intelligible of all the candidates and I agreed with his platform. He looked professional and sounded the same, does his research and hones in on the goal. I swear, he must have been on the debating team at the U of Miami.

I do want to give credit to all the candidates. This ranking is not meant to insult anyone. It's not an easy job running for office as a lot of former candidates and commissioners will attest. All candidates, especially the newbees, will improve their skills as they debate at neighborhood associations within the next month or so. This ranking very well could change!

Let me know what you think of the "debate" and the rankings above. Who do you feel stood out from the pack?

The Video of last night's forum


  1. Omari and Richard were the best.

  2. I also agree that Omari and Richard did the best.It is tough to run for office and KUDUS to all of the candidates. Richard needs to clarify "public private" at the beach. In my opinion,the CRA has to go . Period. I want out pool open and promoted. Bornstein does need to be kept on a choke chain.

  3. Richard is a mature gentleman who has lived inLake Worth for over 20 years and has real world business experience. His voice on the commission will be a refreshing change from the inexperienced present officeholders.

  4. why isn't the ladies name on the labels.thats an insult

  5. Omair is a great speaker, conman. He's been trained by matereo. Dont trust him. He is using us. last time he promised to open the pool and didnt.

  6. @4:28--It's sort of like Trump promising to build the wall. It takes an entire body to vote on it, not just one man.

  7. Omari was by far the best speaker and Richard was very close.
    I didn’t like the way Cathy Turk rolled her eyes at all the candidates.
    Very unprofessional and definitely not commissioner
    Material. I went with an open mind. I’m voting for Omari. I found Tom Copeland saying different inaccuracies.
    Number 1. He stated that he was the first canditate to run that far South. If I have my address’s correct he lives 2 doors down from Maryann Polizzi who ran 2 years ago. Does he dismiss her or just didn’t know, which I find hard to believe. Second- he stated he attended the first South Palm Park Meeting when they moved in and became active. Not so!!! They didn’t come to any after the first one until he put his hat in the ring. He made it clear he’s a marketing guy. He’s not commissioner material. The others did ok.

    He did just that when he de used to run. Before that he wanted nothing to do with the assn.

  8. I agree with 1, 2 and 3 but I think you got 4 and 5 reversed. Hardy was very good last evening. He is still just using Lake Worth as his stepping stone to higher office at State level most likely but Cathy has more passion and I believe she will do better in the coming forums. I don't think she can overtake (blow)Hardy, but do much better.

    I agree wholeheartedly with those up there who understand our pool will better serve our residents if located over here and free up some of our most valuable land in the city for better use. They understand the pool as it is is unsustainable. Revenue of $50K versus cost to keep open of $360K. Add to that the cost of bringing the 1970's era design back on line which depends on whether we redesign the whole building structure, it is just not fiscally responsible for our elected officials to spend our tax dollars so recklessly.

    They all danced around that issue, especially Herman. They should all state exactly where they stand on the pool, the vacant space above Mulligans and how they will be good stewards of our city's most valuable asset.

  9. @5:23...I respectfully disagree with you on the pool. The pool CAN be sustainable or certainly make revenue if marketed correctly. It is an amenity, not a revenue generator.

  10. did we ever find out where Omari lives.cathy has an address you can find.she has my vote.i think a lot of people forget how the slick talkers get you.remember history

  11. @6:35--this was answered. 2228 Lake Worth Road

  12. Not that he is a renter is a bad thing or shows he doesn't have a commitment to the city like a homeowner would, but most people who have been around him know he is vying for higher office therefore using Lake Worth as his stepping stone. Everything he does and says is with the higher office in mind. That is why he will call TV stations to call out slum lords bringing a negative view of our city to the surrounding area and promoting using code fines for helping bad tenants litigate against invested and sometimes good property owners.

  13. Don't trust a politician for dressing and speaking well, learn from 8 years of Obama, Jeff Clemens who used us as a stepping stone. Term limits.

  14. I think all candidates should have to own property in the city to be able to be on the commission, just like in a condo, you have to own to run for the BOD, renters just do not have the same allegiance to the city and future, like owners do. Omari doesn't even live in the real hood of the district he represents. Cathy the Catholic will do much better for the city.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Ok---that's your perogative at 9:07.
    In our condo association, you do NOT even have to be an owner to be on our board. There is no stipulation regarding ownership as a requirement.
    To the other person who tried to post regarding Omari's residence, if you have proof that he lives somewhere other than Lake Worth, please post it.

  17. You rated Richard as tops in dist 4. i agree.

  18. Pretty much everything we do is used as a stepping stone when we are of a certain age.

    Once again, I am taking my cue from Lynn!

  19. Omari is district 2, Where as Tom and Richard are District 4. Unless you want to vote out of your District, I don’t understand how you can not separate the candidates according to their individual District. In other words you cannot compare Omari With Tom or Richard. That being said I did notice that it seemed on many occasions, when Tom would say something, Richard’s agenda , it seemed, after Thom spoke, wa# about either putting Tom down, proving Tom’s wrong, or repeating what Tom said, as if they were his (Richard’s) own thoughts. It was so obvious and annoying. Omari
