Thursday, January 24, 2019

Quote of the Day - President Trump

“Last time I went to Davos, the Fake News said I should not go there.” This year, because of the Shutdown, I decided not to go, and the Fake News said I should be there. The fact is that the people understand the media better than the media understands them!”

~ President Trump

In the meantime, John Kerry is there trashing the president...the clueless gaffe-prone buffoon who at one time tried to become president and failed.


  1. John Kerry is a has been at best.

    He needs to fade into the woodwork and stop his irrelevant pronouncements.

    A typical out of touch democrat.

  2. I saw him on the Axe Files, and was totally unimpressed. He's had so much work done on his face, it's a wonder he has time to do anything else. If I ever admired him, I don't remember why!

    "An American Prince"

  3. President Cave Man....Pelosi is dog walking Trump.

  4. @1:47...Pres Trump has proved that he is willing to negotiate. Nancy Pelosi, on the other hand, has shown her unwillingness to do so. It will be to her and Democrats detriment in the long run.

  5. Ha ha. Hilarious, Lynn. Even Ann Coulter called him a wimp. He folded like the wet, gutless noodle that he is.

  6. Ann Coulter loves confrontation.
    Now the President can give his SOTU address in Congress as the shut-down is over albeit temporarily. He keeps winning every time.

  7. Praise for Pelosi? now I know Dems are going down.

  8. "He keeps winning every time."

    I hope he keeps winning like this, Lynn. This is great!!!! Yesterday morning he tweeted that "We will not cave!" and 24 hours later, he did. Yes, by all means, keep winning, Don!

    "Now the President can give his SOTU address in Congress as the shut-down is over albeit temporarily."

    When and only when Nancy allows him.

  9. "Ann Coulter loves confrontation."

    Sounds like someone else I know.

  10. @8:13--he "caved" to the American people. In three weeks when Nancy Pelosi still refuses to negotiate, he will call a national emergency. He is going to win her BS game.
    Now, she said he would be re-invited when the shutdown was over. Will she now be a liar too? Oh, I forgot, she is a hypocrite...typical Democrat? Maybe you would know the answer to that.

  11. Pelosi is the loser here. Out of touch with working citizens in her ivory castle and her "job" with travel perks.

  12. I'm actually relieved to know that Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are not running the government. Ann will write another book, and Rush will continue to pontificate, and the world will continue to spin on its' axis.
