Friday, October 26, 2018

The Palm Beach Post and its one-sided reporting

 Ron DeSantis, Republican candidate for Florida governor
Since the PB post totally ignored DeSantis in its article today,
 you get his photo here.

Aside from the fact that the Post always endorses Democrat candidates, and you still don't believe that the Palm Beach Post is a left-wing biased newspaper, all one has to do is look at today's local news front page. They focused on race baiter, lying Andrew Gillum who twisted his answers to never really having to answer directly, and they focused on his low information supporters as if DeSantis enthusiasts were not even present..
  • The headline in the local news section written by George Bennett, reads:
    Gillum defends trip, slams DeSantis
There are three photos to the side--
  • top one is "Audience members clap for Andrew Gillum at FAU
  • middle photo is Florida gubernatorial candidate waves as he arrives...
  • bottom photo says audience claps for Andrew Gillum...

On page six of the article it continues with 4 more Gillum photos:
  • top one of Gillum at the lectern
  • middle one of Gillum supporters selling Gillum t-shirts
  • bottom two photos of Gillum supporters clapping and the one to the right photo of audience, one Gillum supporter holding his sign.
Nothing positive was said about Ron DeSantis. Not one photo of him was used in this article which was promoting a free hit campaign piece for Gillum. Frankly, Palm Beach Post, there are a lot of your patrons who are sick of your "reporting." I'm one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Gee Lynn, I wonder if the post will print the most important Gillum picture- the one of him being led away in handcuffs by the FBI.
