Friday, October 26, 2018

Quote of the Day - Andrew Gillum

“The goal is obviously to use my candidacy as a way to reinforce, frankly, stereotypes about black men...

First of all, I am a grown man, My wife and I take vacations and we pay for our own vacations. I don’t take free trips from anybody. I’m a hard-working person.

I know that may not fit your description of what you think people like me do, but I’ve worked hard for everything that I’ve gotten in my life.”

~ Andrew Gillum

Democrat candidate for Florida governor, said at the debate in Broward on Wednesday night after being asked about taking a bribe from an undercover FBI agent.

When in trouble, play the race card. That trick just doesn't work anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Playing the race card for all its worth, I don't believe a word.
