Friday, October 26, 2018

Alleged "bomber" caught

Originally from New York, the kook in the faux bombs that were sent to Democrats has been arrested in Plantation, Florida. A lot of kooks end up in our state.

The FBI and police now have him in custody and we will get a report from the DOJ in about 2 hours.

It is rather ironic that Andrew Gillum, Democrat candidate for Florida governor, has little regard for police and attacks law enforcement. Now that they captured the alleged bomber who sent packages to ALL Democrats, what does he think now? I am rather sure that whatever he thinks will be twisted.


  1. Just like you, Lynn....just like you.

  2. Yeah, too bad he turned out to be a Republican. I am sure he was inspired by all the people he sent a package in order to wake them up to their disgusting ways. When you have Clinton and Mad Max stimulating the people to rise up and commit violence, expect a big backlash. When you have every Democrat alive against every Republican who wants the best for this country, that's what you will get.
    As far as kids at Parkland, I was against one tool there, David Hogg. Andrew Pollack whose daughter Meadow was killed there is backing Republicans in this election.
    P.s. I didn't bother posting the rest of your comments. It's sort of like Shep Smith, Fox's token Democrat blaming the president for one whack job.
    Blame yourself for the nasty and on going rhetoric. It brings out all the crazies in this country and there are plenty of them.
    I can have an opinion.
    This whack job can have an opinion. He just can't do something illegal.
    You can have one too although yours is inflammatory at best.

  3. @3:52
    I don't cover every incident in this country or every whack job in America, that would be a full-time job.
    Why don't you write your own blog. You have been invited to do so on many occasions even by some of my readers.
    You have a lot of hate, anonymous and you should really calm down.
    Go get a job and stop living off of welfare.

  4. Shame on you. Lynn...this is an easy one. Nothing justifies sending bombs and endangering not only the recipients but innocent people.

    It's a no brainer.

  5. A white woman is murdered by her black boyfriend who was robbing her and the media blames the police for not preventing this although if they questioned said murderer before the crime it would be considered racist. This has not been named what it is: a hate crime.

  6. Just like you. Angry, alone, ugly, frustrated, no higher education no skills.

  7. @7:49 you are right...nothing justifies sending faux bombs or any bomb to people. We can't control the crazies in this country. Nothing justified the shooting of Steve Scalise. But nothing justifies the screaming at people in restaurants, theaters, Mad Max telling her constituents to hate, etc. That IS something that can be curbed. Calm down Democrats.

  8. @9:57...ugly is you for what you wrote on my blog. Angry is not the word--what is the descriptive adjective that you really want to use is "opinionated" as I believe everything that you don't. That's what gets to you.

    As far as education, I guess I should have gone on in school for a PhD. Is this written by the guy who didn't even get his GED?

    Not frustrated...just don't like lying liberals. Find another venue for your despicable of the causes of angst in our country and why people just don't like you.

  9. Sad how many of my fellow right-wingers, in face of the strong evidence the bombing suspect was a Trump supporter, double down on conspiracies instead of admitting they were wrong.

  10. Education is overrated, some never get over college years, boozing, drugging and fun, don't buckle down to a successful life. Then there's the lifelong brainwashing.

  11. This bomber is a hoax. He is another political patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald (look it up) Where are the surveillance videos? The postmark on the packages? If they were hand delivered how could someone cross this huge country so quickly? The van looks like it was issued from a Hollywood lot, the stickers are fresh, in the Florida sun? HOW could he drive with those stickers blocking the Windows, without being stopped?

  12. 7:49pm they weren't even bombs. Look at the who's who on the list of recipients and follow the money. Don't all these people have security? How could some idiot outsmart that without help.
