Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Christine Blasey-Ford

The more that comes out on this woman, the more I believe she has a few screws lose. I smell a skunk.


  1. Where are the Republicans??? Why did they cave to this ridiculous lie? In the end Kavanagh will be confirmed. And probably by a larger margin than before this false crap came out. Feinstein just face planted in a big steaming pile of what is going to be her legacy.

  2. A book about being pushed down on a bed? Wow. How compelling. She should take a slow walk in Detroit to see what assault feels like.

  3. @11:09--Snopes: Just kidding, either there’s a typo in your link or we just haven’t written that article yet. Try searching for a specific article here:

  4. Wow! I caught Obama playing spin the bottle with my little brother. Should I write a letter?

  5. Diane Crimestein should be charged with slander for this diversion of attention from her Chinese spy "chauffeur"
