Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Democrats doing a number on Republicans

If you scream loud and often enough, a certain percentage of people will believe all the crap you have to dish out.  That is exactly what Democrats have done since November 2016.  There is the liberal news media, cable stations such as MSNBC and CNN along with the ridiculous show, The View. People watch that and believe all the crapola. It's amazing how gullible the average person is and how little they know about facts.

They continue to pull all these sleazy tricks the latest being Judge Kavanaugh and some woman who is now 53 years old and a liberal Democrat professor in California accusing him of an incident some 37 years ago, one in which she has zero facts.

According to the latest poll from Rasmussen that was published on  Monday, September 17, 2018, 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 34% who Strongly Approve of the president's performance and 42% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8. (see trends). 

The Democrats continue to be negative in every aspect of Trump's presidency and about 30 percent of all Democrats believe, due to negative campaigning, and the Fake News,  that Trump is in cahoots with Russia. He could put sanction after sanction on Putin but the media and liberals would ignore it. Power is what it's all about and losing the status quo. Because of this, a Blue Wave is predicted in November.

To counter this, Republicans should come out swinging and campaign on jobs for American workers, standing up for us on trade, address the opioid crisis, building the wall and draining the swamp of Washington political insiders and lobbyists.

One thing for sure, the President will be planning at least 40 days of campaign-related travel between Aug. 1 and Election Day in order to reiterate his message. Make America Great Again.

1 comment:

  1. Up until 8:00 PM on election day all of the "polls" said Hillary Clinton was 1000% going to be our next President. What a crock of $hit!Don't believe them. The only reason they are put out is to make Republicans think there is no chance in hell for them to win so why bother to vote if you are a loser Republican.
